Wednesday, July 13, 2011


Hello everyone!


This is Jaa from Bangkok, Thailand. We’re in the middle of the rainy season right now, which means that it rains almost every day. And when it doesn’t rain, it’s usually very hot :P


But no matter what the weather outside is like, the air-conditioning in our building is quite cold, so I like to keep warm with a cup of coffee in the morning. :P



Our office is on the 10th floor of Sermmit Building in Asoke area of Bangkok, just off Sukhumvit road and in the middle of one of the city’s business districts (the other business district of Bangkok is centered around Silom Road). Have a look at this photo of Asoke road from the Asoke Sky train station. That’s our district.

私たちのオフィスは、バンコクのアソクエリアにあるスクンビットロードから少し外れたサミットビル10階に入っていて、市内のビジネスエリアのど真ん中に位置しています。ちなみに、もうひとつのビジネスエリアはシーロムロード周辺です。アソク スカイトレイン駅から見たアソクエリアの写真をご覧あれ!私たちが働いているエリアはこんな感じです↓


I’ve been working in the Arts and Culture Department of JFBKK for around four years, and I’m the junior. In our department there are three Thai staff, Pi Duangchai (in Thai we use the word ‘Pi’ to call someone who is older) who has worked with JFBKK for around 30 years!, and Pi Am who has worked here for around 10 years. Later on we will take turns in giving you stories from Bangkok. We hope you will enjoy them. :)

私はバンコク日本文化センターの文化事業グループで働き始めて約4年で、まだまだ若手です。文化事業グループには3人のタイ人職員がいて、バンコク日本文化センターでの勤務歴が約30年になるPi Duangchai(タイでは目上の人を呼ぶときに「Pi」という言葉を使います)と、勤務暦が約10年のPi Amと私です。これから交代でバンコクからいろんなお話をお届けするので、楽しみにしていてくださいね!

At the moment it is the time of the year when we prepare for the high-season of activities around the end of the year (the rain has stopped by then and the weather is much cooler too!). Normally the latter part of the year will be full of cultural exchange activities as well - this year in Bangkok we will have a Ukiyo-e demonstration, Android-Human Theatre, The Dolls of Japan exhibition, a Film Festival and much more. Sounds exciting!


I visited Sydney twice and I really love the city (I remember well the lovely Darling Harbour ^^), so I’m looking forward to hearing from Amanda-san, Evon-san and Susie-san in Sydney.

私はシドニーを2度訪れたことがあり、大好きです(ダーリング ハーバーのすてきな景色が忘れられません^^)。シドニーのAmandaさん、 Evonさん、Susieさんのお話が聞けるのを楽しみにしています!




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