Thursday, November 11, 2010


皆さん、こんにちは~!またまた、モスクワのAnyです♪ お元気ですか?


Hi, everyone! It's Any from Moscow. How've you been?

Moscow is all dressed up in autumn colours!




This October, Japanese speech contest among students was held up in Moscow. There are about 10 universities in Moscow, in which you can study Japanese. And the most successful and skilled students of those universities were going to compete to get through to the Finals.



There were many different speeches this time: about Coplay, about volunteer work, about works of Yukio Misaim etc.. The contestants were very nervous, sometimes they forgot words and phrases, panicked... But all of them demonstrated a truly high level of Japanese.


I was able to take an interview and talk with one of the contestants - Ms.Kanova, a senior student at the Moscow practical oriental’s university:


― 発表を終えた感想をお願いします!

― あ~・・・緊張していたので、あまり覚えていないです・・(笑)

― なぜ「インターネット依存症」というテーマを選びましたか。エレーナさんにはそのような経験はありましたか。

― そうですね。半年ぐらい、毎日のようにインターネットを使って、チャット・ブログ・掲示板などに書き込みをしていた時期がありました。勉強にも影響が現れましたね。依存症を克服できたのは、一時期インターネットが故障してしまったおかげです。

― 日本語の勉強にはインターネットを使っていますか。

― もちろん!辞書にはない単語を検索してみたり、ニュースを読んだり、ロシア語吹き替え無しの映画やアニメを見ることができるので、勉強には欠かせないですね。ただ、今ではやっぱり利用時間には注意していますが・・(笑)

= How do you evaluate your speech?

= Oh, to tell you the truth, I was so nervous, I don't remember a thing...(laughing)

= Your speech was about Internet addiction. Does this problem concern you?

= Yes, there's been a period, when I became totally internet-addicted. And I managed to overcome only because the internet connection went down for a while.

= Do you think internet is necessary in studying Japanese?

= Sure! I often use it to look up a word that I can't find in a dictionary, or to read some news articles and watch Japanese movies and animation. But now I try to control myself...(laughing)


I also spoke with Professor Linyaev, who teaches Japanese at the Institute of Asian and African studies:


― 弁論大会に参加することは、日本語を学ぶ上で重要だと思いますか。

― いうまでもなく重要です。しかも、言語的な面だけではなく、精神的な面でも、弁論大会はいい修行になると思います。大勢の前で外国語を話すことになりますからね。私自身も、東海大学で留学していた際、弁論大会に参加しましたよ。発表中の血の気も凍る恐怖は今でも忘れることができません・・(笑)あ、でも、一等とりましたよ!

― お!ちなみに、そのときのテーマは・・・?

― そうですね~・・・便利さ・快適さを求める際、人々は自分たちの文化を忘れているということを主張しました。今思うと、自分でもよくできたなと思います(笑)

= Do you think it's important to take part in the Speech contest when you study Japanese?

= Sure it is. And not only because you train your Japanese skills. It's also a psychological training because you practice speaking in front of a lot of people. I myself took part in a speech contest and won it. But I'll never forget how scary it was... (laughing)


Mr.Arakawa, a senior specialist of Japanese language, who has been a jury member of the Speech contests for already 24 years, gave a great advice to the future contestants:


― みんな面白い経験してるんだよね。確かに、経験を聞くことは面白いんだけど、そこから何を考えたか、って言うことが大切だと思うんだよね。弁論は、あなた自身の、とても大きな経験、とても大切な経験と、その経験からあなたが何を学んだか、あなたがどんなことを考えたか、そして、あなたはこれからどう生きるかの3つがあるべきだと思う。もちろん、他の書き方もあるだろうけれど、ここで言った書き方が基本になると思うんだ。それぞれいろいろないい経験をしているのだから、そのことについてもっと深く考え、私たち聞いている人たちを、「なーるほど、そうだな、いいことを言うな」、と感心させるようなことを言ってほしい。そのためには皆さんはもっと深く考えないといけない



= It's always interesting to hear about your different experiences. But we'd appreciate, if you also made some conclusions out of those experiences. You should think about your experience and analyze it. And tell us about the results of such analysis. Your speeches, filled with emotions, fresh and new ideas can be very touching. I hope that in the future you'll surprise us with more and more interesting speeches.



The Finals were held up in Russia State Library. Contestants from Europe and CIS countries came here to demonstrate their level of Japanese. And when I looked at serious faces of the jury members, I thought: may be, choosing only one winner from all these great contestants is even more difficult, than to make a speech itself.





And in the end I'd like to tell you, that yesterday here in Moscow the 44th Japanese film festival opened its doors to the public. There were no vacant seats in the hall and people made a loooong queue in order to buy a ticket. I hope people will like the movies we prepared for them this year!



So, Cathy, it's your turn again!

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