wa sahlan! Aki
& Nevine reporting from Cairo!
Since the 2011 revolution there have been many periodical violent upheavals in Egypt. During the past two years most of the news broadcast about Egypt abroad was mainly about demonstrations, clashes, sit-ins and the military coup d’état. To anybody following the news it must seem like Egypt is a very dangerous place to be in right now. In fact, there are uneventful intervals of peace and calm which usually last only 3 months. However, people cannot live cooped up in their homes all the time so they try to live their daily lives as normally as possible while navigating the turbulence affecting their routines.
Since the 2011 revolution there have been many periodical violent upheavals in Egypt. During the past two years most of the news broadcast about Egypt abroad was mainly about demonstrations, clashes, sit-ins and the military coup d’état. To anybody following the news it must seem like Egypt is a very dangerous place to be in right now. In fact, there are uneventful intervals of peace and calm which usually last only 3 months. However, people cannot live cooped up in their homes all the time so they try to live their daily lives as normally as possible while navigating the turbulence affecting their routines.
Our Office is located near Tahrir Square, so whenever there are any disturbances in the area we have to close the office. However, we immediately take advantage of the calm intervals to hold our events in which many people do participate.
This time we would like to introduce you the two of our events related to manga and anime.
Our Office is located near Tahrir Square, so whenever there are any disturbances in the area we have to close the office. However, we immediately take advantage of the calm intervals to hold our events in which many people do participate.
This time we would like to introduce you the two of our events related to manga and anime.
Kageyama-san & Egyptian cosplayers with Grendizer in front of three pyramids (©GO NAGAI/DYNAMIC PLANNING, Special thanks to Wajima city tourist bureau) |
1エジプトのアニメ・マンガオタク大集合!「The Grand J-Pop Culture
The Grand J-Pop Culture Festival - the Biggest Gathering of “Otaku” in
Even in the Middle East, and especially in Egypt,
Japanese pop culture, anime and manga are very popular. Recently, young people
want not only to watch anime and read manga, but also to get together with
their friends to share their passion for manga and anime, draw manga and
illustrations, sing their favourite anime and J-pop songs, and do cosplay.
Believing that they needed to have a platform to fully express this passion,
the Japan Foundation Cairo Office organized the first anime and manga event in
Egypt, at El Sawy Culturewheel in Zamalek on March 8 and 9, 2013.
Standing at the entrance to welcome all
visitors was a 6 meter-tall Grendizer balloon brought to Egypt specifically for
this purpose from the Go Nagai Memorial Hall in Wajima City. Grendizer
had also participated last year in the Baghdad International Trade Fair, where
it received favorable attention. Our event included many attractive sections.
For example, an exhibition for works by the members of the Egy-Manga group who
plan on becoming professional manga-ka, and a manga-portrait section by the
young manga artist “Wahba.” What’s more, we had a Manga Café where visitors
could read manga magazines, comics, Arabic translations of Japanese books, as
well as a Cosplay experience section where special costumes could be borrowed,
a section for writing messages to Japan on a big banner, and an origami and Japanese
calligraphy section. There were more than 800 visitors, and the event was very
lively and became an enjoyable cultural festival.
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初めての"コスプレ"を楽しむ来場者たち Visitors enjoyed their first "cosplay" |
マンガ喫茶 Manga cafe |
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エジプトのコスプレーヤーたち Egyptian cosplayers |
お次はゲスト審査員にアニメソング歌手の影山ヒロノブさんを迎えての「J-Pop Singing Contest」。予選を通過した10組32名が参加し、大好きな日本の歌を熱唱。優勝はボーカロイドの「ルカルカ☆ナイトフィーバー」を踊りながら熱唱した飯島レイラさん。影山賞はアインシャムス大学日本語学科の学生10名による、ドラマ「タンブリング」の主題歌「まなざし」、基金賞は「ナルト疾風伝」のエンディングテーマ「道~to you all~」を歌ってくれた声優志望の高校生ラムザさんが受賞しました。
Next, we had the J-Pop Singing
Contest in honour of anime song singer Hironobu Kageyama, who served
as one of the jury members. 10 bands/ soloists of a total of 32 singers
passed the preliminary stage and participated in the live competition. They all
performed their favourite Japanese songs with great enthusiasm. The first place winner was Laila Iijima
who both sang and danced to the music of “Luka Luka Night Fever.” The Kageyama Prize was awarded
to the band consisting of 10 students from the Japanese Language Department of
Ain Shams University. They performed the theme song “Manazashi” from the TV
drama series Tumbling. The Japan Foundation Special Prize was
awarded to Ms. Ramza, a high school student with the exceptional voice, who
wants to become a voice actress in future. She sang “Michi ~ to you all~” from
the anime series Naruto Shippuden.
chan," who wants to be a voice actress, sang "Manazashi" |
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コンサートで歌うアニメソング歌手影山ヒロノブさん Japanese anime song singer Hironobu Kageyama on the stage |
そして夜はメインイベント「影山ヒロノブアニメソングコンサート」。アニメ「ドラゴンボール」シリーズの歌で有名なアニメソング歌手の影山ヒロノブさんによる、中東で初のアニメソングコンサートです。ハムシーンが吹きすさぶ中、影山さんがドラゴンボールの主題歌「We Gotta Power」を歌い始めると、会場はたちまち興奮と熱狂に包まれました。コンサートは日本でも大ヒットした「ドラゴンボールZ」の主題歌「CHA-LA-HEAD-CHA-LA」で最高潮に達し、500名を超える観客は「ちゃーらー、へっちゃらー」とサビの部分を日本語で合唱しました。
At night we had the main event “Hironobu Kageyama Anime Song
Concert.” It was the first concert in the Middle East for anime song singer
Hironobu Kageyama, who is well-known as the singer of the Drangonball anime
series songs. In the fierce khamaseen winds Kageyama-san began the concert with
his hit song “We Gotta Power” from “Dragonball,” and the audience immediately
erupted into a frenzy of cheering. When the concert reached its peak with the
famous Dragon Ball Z theme song, which was a huge hit in Japan, all the 500
audience members were singing along with Kageyama-san the Japanese chorus “Cha
la head cha la.”
影山さんのコンサート風景 Kageyama-san's anime song concert |
3月9日にはピラミッド前で、グレンダイザーと影山さんとエジプト人コスプレーヤーたちが日本へのメッセージが描かれたバナーをもって記念撮影会を開催。午後はサウイ文化センターで影山さんを迎えて、日本のアニメソングについてのトークライブを開催、エジプト人のアニメ・マンガファンたちと影山さんとの素敵な交流日と なりました。
On March 9, Kageyama-san, Grendizer and the
Egyptian cosplayers went to the Pyramids, carrying the banner with all the
messages written by Egyptians to Japan and had a photo session. In the
afternoon Kageyama-san headed back to El Sawy Culturewheel for a talk about
Japanese anime songs. All in all, it was a lovely day full of lively
interaction between Kageyama-san and the Egyptian anime and manga fans. アニメソング歌手影山ヒロノブさんと記念撮影するをするエジプトのコスプレーヤーたち Japanese anime song singer Hironobu Kageyama with Egyptian cosplayers |
残念ながらこのイベントの前後、ポートサイード事件の判決に関連し、各地で衝突が起き、このイベントはあまりニュースになりませんでした。しかし、参加者たちの心には大きな種をまいたらしく、漫画家の卵たちがマンガ同人誌を発行したり、展覧会を開催したり、アニメ好きの若者たちが「EG CON」というアニメイベントの開催に向けて動き出しました。
at that time there were many riots all over Egypt related to the the Port Said
Stadium violence trial, and so there wasn’t much press coverage for our
Festival and other events. Nevertheless, it seems the event left a deep
impression on the fans: After the event, the young manga-ka have been issuing
their own magazine and organizing exhibitions, and anime lovers just got
started to prepare for the holding of an anime event called EGCON.
2 第一回 4コマ漫画コンテスト&エジプトマンガ展
(2013年6/26~7/8作品募集、8/4~9/19 作品展示@カイロ日本文化センター)
The First Four-frame Manga Contest &
Egyptian Manga Exhibition
(Application: June 26 – July 8, 2013; Exhibition: August 4 – September 19, 2013, at the Japan Foundation Cairo Office)
(Application: June 26 – July 8, 2013; Exhibition: August 4 – September 19, 2013, at the Japan Foundation Cairo Office)
young Egyptians who want to become professional manga-ka are very good at
drawing, but when it comes to making up a complete story, there are few who can
do it. Many seem frustrated because they try to write a long manga story but
fail. So we thought about providing a chance for them to train through making
up a manga with only four frames. Accordingly, last summer we organized a four-frame
manga contest with one of the following themes: exams, love or failure.30作品を超える応募があり、入賞10作品に対してマンガ原作者の岩見吉朗京都精華大学マンガ学部准教授から講評をいただきました。SF、ラブストーリーなど様々な作品がありましたが、冗談好きなエジプト人の割にはコメディが少ない事が意外でした。また、外国人が憧れる「千夜一夜」的なアラブ世界や、古代エジプトの歴史などはあまり興味がないらしく題材になることはありませんでした。今後、エジプトからどのようなマンガが生まれてくるか楽しみです。
We had over 30 entries, and after choosing the best 10 works we sent them to Professor Yoshiro Iwami, associate professor in the Manga Department of Kyoto Seika University to receive his remarks on the works. The genres included science fiction and romance, but the number of humorous manga submitted by the joke-loving Egyptians was surprisingly few. Despite their popularity in overseas countries, it also seems that the participants were not very interested in the “Arabic style” per the Arabian Nights or in Ancient Egypt either, and so these themes were not present in the submitted works. We look forward to finding out what type of manga will be coming out of Egypt in the future.